1. **真空を作る:** ハンドルをしっかり押して真空を作ります。
2. **空気を抜く:** 搾乳を始める前に、空気が抜けるのを待ちます。
3. **搾乳:** 自分が快適に感じるペースでハンドルを絞ります。
– 吸引力を調整して、自分に合った強さを見つけてください。
– リラックスし、快適な環境で搾乳することで母乳の出が促進されます。
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Pigeon Manual Breast Pump Tutorial
The Pigeon Manual Breast Pump is ideal for those with a low milk supply or who pump infrequently. You can adjust the suction strength and pace, making it comfortable for many users.
**How to Use:**
1. **Create a Vacuum:** Press firmly on the handle to create a vacuum.
2. **Release Air:** Wait for the air to escape before beginning to pump.
3. **Pumping:** Squeeze the handle at a pace that feels comfortable for you.
**Tips for New Moms:**
– Experiment with the suction strength to find what works best for you.
– Stay relaxed and pump in a comfortable environment to encourage milk flow.
**Important Disclaimer:**
This video is for educational purposes and contains breast exposure relevant to the pumping process. Viewer discretion is advised. If you found this helpful, please like the video and subscribe for more parenting advice!
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